Broadcaster, Writer, Content Creator and passionate advocate for Positive Mental Health.
Colm is a seasoned broadcaster, instantly recognisable by his voice. He presents the highly successful breakfast show with Lucy Kennedy, best known for ‘’Living With Lucy’ and ‘Lucy Investigates’, on Ireland’s Classic Hits Radio. The pair have been presenting the radio show for 3 years having previously worked on Radio Nova together, they began their radio partnership on RTE 2FM back in 2010.
Colm presented many shows on RTE 2 FM and was a regular face on TV with ‘Colm And Jim Jim Jim’s Home Run’ and ‘Dirty Old Towns’ with Diarmuid Gavin.
Colm’s style is light-hearted, cheeky and very natural. He is well known and well loved by his
audience and his ability to connect and communicate to all audiences is his strength. He has hosted and MC many events over his career including ‘The Make At Wish Ball’, ‘The Student Mental Health Conference in UL’ He has also presented numerous Radio Station events and Outside Broadcasts for clients including The Vodafone Comedy Festival. He has worked with various charities and along with Jim Breen he set up ‘Cycle Against Suicide’ a hugely successful charity promoting positive mental health.
He is multi award winning having received 7 radio awards during his career. He has also received 2
platinum awards and 1 gold award in recognition for album sales. The comedy albums were
recorded during his time presenting the Strawberry Alarm Clock on the Dublin Radio station FM104. All profits for the album were donated to Temple Street Children’s Hospital.
Colm has also begun creating content online and believes the ‘more mature’ user is being
overlooked, his weekly ‘Rapid Reviews’ on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok focuses on information and subjects for people of his generation